Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Lari & Gafa en la sexta

Fa uns quants dies ens van fer una entrevista a la sisena, bastant patillera, per? si alg? hi est? interessat aqu? la teniu.

Hace unos d?as nos hicieron una entrevista-patillera en la Sexta, si hay alguien interesado en verla, aqu? la ten?is.

Esto es todo amigos... hehe

Pulp Fiction by Lari & Gafa

Funny version of Pulp Fiction by lari & Gafa. Crazy boyysssssss!!!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Champs elisees - Lari & Gafa

Nofx video done by Lari & Gafa, Veva & Liha, and some friends...
We received a visit from France ;) and we did this video with them. THANX to Adou, Nono and Bobby. A kiss for them from here. Bissssooooussss.

Thanx to Uri too and to Veva & Liha

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

El tiburón - Chocolate, choco... uh

Doncs vejam, afro versió del tauró

Pues a ver, afro versión del tiburón

with red tangaaaaa!!